Dear customers and partners, “Del Rio” Flower House is ready to sum up the intensive course of Svetlana Safiulina “Wedding Floristics. Trends of 2017” that took place within our walls on May 13 and 14!

This informative series of master classes from the world-class florist turned out to be very useful for experienced masters and beginners. Inspired florists left with new ideas and knowledge, and also took home their own creations.

Past master classes:

Day one. “Wedding bouquet on its feet. Wedding Bouquet Basics. Round and drop-shaped ones.”


  • Stylistics: a selection of bouquets in accordance with the style.
  • A selection of colors, their character and characteristics – the bouquet basics. A practical explanation of the assembly of the bouquet on its feet.
  • The form. Symmetry and asymmetry.
  • Technical features, techniques.
  • Features of the mixed technology.
  • Interesting ways to use the material.

Day two. “Wedding decoration of tables and their interpretation. Trends of 2017”

You can read details about the event in our VKontakte group.